Age Scotland
Older and Disabled People Penny Gunn Older and Disabled People Penny Gunn

Age Scotland

We are Age Scotland, the national charity for older people. We work to improve the lives of everyone over the age of 50. Our mission is to inspire, involve, and empower older people in Scotland, and influence others, so that everyone can make the most of later life.

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Combatting loneliness

Combatting loneliness

Loneliness is a major health threat. It increases the risk of stress, anxiety and depression and doubles the risk of dementia. Loneliness can occur at different ages and stages; however many of the triggers tend to congregate in later life due to life changes such as bereavement, retirement, moving to a new area, illness or children moving away from home.

This section helps to provide links and sources of information to people experiencing loneliness

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